Salam semua..
Hari ni saya nk bg 3 soalan uji minda...
The day is not the day after Monday, nor the eve of Thursday. Tomorrow is not Sunday which was not yesterday. The day after tomorrow is not Saturday, and the day before yesterday wasn't Wednesday. What is the day?
a) Sunday
b) Monday
c) Tuesday
d) Wednesday
e) Thursday
f) Friday
g) Saturday
John says he has twice as many sisters as brothers. Leah says that she has as many brothers as sisters. How many girls are in the family?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
e) 4
f) 5
The children are named by order of the birth following a precise rule. The family has 6 children
Hari ni saya nk bg 3 soalan uji minda...
Soalan pertama
The day is not the day after Monday, nor the eve of Thursday. Tomorrow is not Sunday which was not yesterday. The day after tomorrow is not Saturday, and the day before yesterday wasn't Wednesday. What is the day?
a) Sunday
b) Monday
c) Tuesday
d) Wednesday
e) Thursday
f) Friday
g) Saturday
Soalan kedua
John says he has twice as many sisters as brothers. Leah says that she has as many brothers as sisters. How many girls are in the family?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
e) 4
f) 5
Soalan ketiga
The children are named by order of the birth following a precise rule. The family has 6 children
Wari --> Capac --> Pucara -->
Topa --> Tampu --> ??
Topa --> Tampu --> ??
What is the name of the 6th child?
a) Maranas
b) Moxeke
c) Raymi
d) Mita
e) Tiso
f) Rimac
a) Maranas
b) Moxeke
c) Raymi
d) Mita
e) Tiso
f) Rimac
Saya akn bg jwpn pd entri sterusnya....
Sudi-sudilah jawab di ruang komen..
Selamat menjawab..
Selamat menjawab..